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29 / 12 / 2001

Overview Dashboard about Population & Minimum Wage - Living Cost in Kansai area

Basically, there are two sections,
  1. 1. The map is Kansai location and color represents for the population.
  2. 2. The chart on the bottom left is comparing Minimum Wage Yearly in each Prefecture of Kansai.
  3. 3. The bottom right chart is for the ammount of money cost for living, each color represents for each Application Category.

Number of Establishments and Jobs in Kansai area

On the right section, the number of Establishments shown in bar chart with number and piechart with the percentage when clicking on it. On the left section, the number of Jobs which is available on SUGEE website is located here. The purpose of this chart is tracking the most requirements for Jobs in SUGEE website to instruct the Job Seekers to prepare their own profile.